Santuário San Rafael Ascension Catholic church

An independent ministry in the Catholic Tradition

The Chaplet of St. Raphael Archangel















Who is St. Raphael?


     St. Raphael Archangel, the healing angel of God, is one of the seven Archangels who stand before the throne of God in ancient tradition, offering prayers to the Divine One, and manifesting the divine presence to those of us in this earthly sphere.  Mentioned in the deuteron-canonical book of Tobit, St. Raphael’s feast day is traditionally celebrated on October 24.  He is invoked as the patron of healing, the patron of immigrants and travelers, and the patron of those who seek an intimate life partner.  Raphael means “God-has-healed” and appears to be particularly associated with the northern portion of the upper Tigris valley, where he is venerated in a number of religious traditions including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, as well as among the Yazidis and other small, tribal religions which are devoted to the seven spirits or manifestations of the presence of God.  According to the some medieval esoteric sources,  Raphael is  numbered among the 10 Holy Sephirot and is sometimes associated with the Suit of Swords of the Tarot, in traditions loosely derived from the Qabalah.   In some esoteric systems, his color is yellow and his Sacred Direction is South.  Other titles attributed to Raphael include the angel of prayer, love, joy, light, as well as the guardian of both the Tree of Life and of humanity.  Raphael bound Azazel under a desert called Dudael according to Enoch 10:5-7: 


And again the Lord said to Raphael: 'Bind Azazel hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening in the desert, which is in Dudael, and cast him therein. And place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there for ever, and cover his face that he may not see light. And on the day of the great judgment he shall be cast into the fire.’”



The Chaplet of St. Raphael the Archangel



Santuário San Rafael 


Rev. Robert J. Foss, Pastor

dependent ministry

in the Catholic Tradition

A meditation prayer by Most Rev. Robert J. Foss

Based on the Book of Tobit


Prayed on a seven decade rosary

(or Franciscan Crown)


Make the Sign of the Cross and pray on the Cross:


+Holy God

Holy Mighty One

Holy Immortal One

Have mercy on us.


O Raphael, Healer!

O Raphael, Guide!

O Raphael, Companion!

Be ever at my side!  Amen. 


Form a specific intention in your mind, and call upon the All Powerful, All Merciful, All Loving God by saying on the first  Large Bead:  Our Father


In honor of the Queen of Angels, Mary the Mother of God, pray on the next three beads:


Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.  [pause and say the name of Jesus in your heart]  Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us now and at the hour of death.  Amen. 


On the chain:

Glory to you O God, Living One, Word and Spirit, now and for all ages and aeons. Amen. 


The First Mystery:

St. Raphael, Healer

“At that very time, the prayers of the supplicants were heart in the glorious presence of Almighty God.  So Raphael was sent to heal them, and arrange the marriage of Raguel and Edna’s daughter Sarah to Tobit and Anna’s son Tobiah, and to drive away the demon of despair.”  Tobit 3:16-17.


On the Large Bead: O Raphael, Healer!  O Raphael, Guide!  O Raphael, Companion!  Be ever at my side! 

On each of the next ten beads pray the following prayer —one in honor of  each of the celestial choirs: Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Powers, Virtues, Dominations, Thrones, Cherubim, and Seraphim, and the last one in honor of Mary, Queen of Angels


Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord

God of Cosmic Might

Send forth your hosts of Angels

To keep us in your light.  Amen. 


On the chain at the end:  Glory to you, O God, Living One, Word, and Spirit; now and for all ages and aeons.  Amen. 


The Second Mystery: 

St. Raphael, Guide.

Tobit then said, “My son Tobiah wants to go to Media.  Can you go with him to show him the way?  I will of course pay you, brother.”  Raphael answered:  “Yes, I can go with him, for I know all the routes.  I have often traveled to Media and crossed all its plains and mountains; so I know every road well.”  Tb 5:11


On the large bead:  O Raphael, Healer...

On the ten beads:  Holy, Holy, Holy...

On the chain:  Glory to you...Continuing in the same manner for each decade.


The Third Mystery: 

St. Raphael, Companion

When the boy left home, accompanied by the angel, the dog followed Tobiah out of the house and went with him.  The travelers walked till nightfall, and made camp beside the Tigris River.  Now when the boy went down to wash his feet in the river, a large fish suddenly leaped out of the water and tried to swallow his foot.  He shouted in alarm.  But the angel said to him, “Take hold of the fish and don’t let it get away!”  The boy seized the fish and hauled it up on the shore.  Tb 6:1-4


The Fourth Mystery: 

St. Raphael, Angel of Health


The angel then told him:  “Cut the fish open and take out its gall, heart, and liver, and keep them with you., since they make good medicine.”  The boy cleaned the fish and set aside the gall, heart, and liver.  When they entered Media and were getting close to Ecbatana, Raphael said to the boy, “Brother Tobiah, tonight I will arrange for you to have Sarah as your bride.  When you go into the bridal chamber, take the fish’s liver and heart and place them on the embers for the incense.  Then when you are about to have intercourse with her, both of should pray.  Do not be afraid, for she was set apart for you from before the world existed.  Tb 6:1-6; 10f; 17f. 


The Fifth Mystery: 

St. Raphael, Angel of Love

Raguel said to Tobiah, “Eat, drink, and be merry tonight, for no one is more entitled to marry Sarah than you, brother.  I am sure the Lord will look after you both.  From now on, you are her love, and she is your beloved.  And tonight, son, may the God of heaven prosper you both and grant you mercy and peace.”  Tb 7:9


The Sixth Mystery: 

St. Raphael, Angel of Joy

They brought the young man into the bedroom.  They started to pray saying “O God you said it is not good for a human being to be alone, let us make a partner so that they may be together with one like themselves.” 

They said together,

“Amen, amen,” and went to bed for the night. 

Tb 8:1-8


The Seventh Mystery:

St. Raphael, Angel of Light

Raphael and Tobiah went on ahead, returning to Nineveh and the dog followed them.  Anna was sitting, watching the road, waiting for her son, when she saw them.  She said to Tobit, “Here comes our son, with his companion.”  Raphael said to Tobiah before he reached his father, “I give you may word that your father’s eyes will open.  You must put the fish’s gall into his eyes, and the medicine will cure him, and he will be able to see the light.”  When Tobiah applied the medicine, his father was cured and he exclaimed, “I can see, my son,

the light of my eyes.”  Tb 11:1-14

“A bright light will shine to all parts of the earth; many nations shall come to you from afar, and the inhabitants of the ends of the Earth will be drawn to you,

O Jerusalem, Holy City.”  Tb 13:11




Glory to God in the highest and peace to the Earth and grace unto all people.  Now is come salvation and strength, healing and love, the reign of our God and the power of the Christ.  Therefore rejoice you

heavens and you that dwell therein.

Holy God, Holy Mighty One,

Holy Immortal One,

Have mercy on us.




Phone: 213-804-8151



Santuário San Rafael 

 Antiochene catholic church

Most Rev. Robert J. Foss, Pastor


O Most Holy Archangel St. Raphael, Angel of Health,  Angel of Love,  Angel of Joy, and  Angel of Light, Pray for us and for all immigrants, travelers, strangers, and pilgrims! 


    The Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch (Malabar Rite) is an independent Catholic jurisdiction, which forms part of the independent Catholic movement.  Though we are not affiliated with either the Roman Communion or the Orthodox Communion, we have great love and respect for the traditional expressions of Catholic Christianity, and honor the great gift of apostolic succession which comes to us through both of the traditional communions.  Called to a ministry of love and reconciliation for all, we make the seven sacraments freely available to all who approach our altars sincerely seeking communion with the Living Christ, without regard for such juridical matters as denominational affiliation, marital status, sexual orientation, or any other human obstacle to the all-encompassing love which is our heritage and destiny in God. 

    Santuário San Rafael Church of Antioch is a Los Angeles based parish ministry of the Church of Antioch which offers sacramental ministry, spiritual direction, and study opportunities in Christian mysticism to sincere seekers. 

St. Raphael the Archangel

San Rafael Arcángel


O St. Raphael, patron of immigrants and travelers, pray for us!





Santuário San Rafael 

 Ascension catholic church

Most Rev. Robert J. Foss, Pastor

Novena to St. Raphael Archangel

Glorious Archangel Saint Raphael,

great prince of the heavenly court,

you are illustrious for your gifts of wisdom and grace.

You are a guide of those who journey

by land or sea or air, consoler of the afflicted,

and refuge of the lost. I beg you, assist me in all my needs

and in all the sufferings of this life,

as once you helped the young Tobiah on his travels.

Because you are the medicine of God,

I humbly pray you to heal the many infirmities of my soul

and the ills that afflict my body.

I especially ask of you the favour

Make your request here...)

and the great grace of love to prepare me to be

the temple of the Holy Spirit in joy. 



St. Raphael, of the glorious seven who stand before the throne

of the One who lives and reigns,

Angel of health, the Lord has filled your hand with balm

from heaven to soothe and cure our pains.

Heal and cure the victim of disease.

And guide our steps when doubtful of our ways. 

Make safe the ways of immigrants, travelers, strangers and pilgrims,

grant them justice, peace, solidarity

and a warm welcome in all lands and places.



Raphael in Islam


             Raphael in Islam is not mentioned in the Qur’an but a Hadith reports that he is the angel who blows the trumpet or sûr which heralds the day of judgment.


 (in Arabic Raphael is Israfil)سرافيل 


Angels and Light in the Pseudo-Dionysius


     Pseudo-Dionysius describes the relationship between Angels and the Mystical Light in this way:


 “Invoking then Jesus, the Supernal Light, the Real Light, the True Light, “which lighteth every one coming into the world,” “through whom we have access to the Father,” Source of Light, let us aspire, as far as is attainable, to the illuminations handed down by our forbearers in the most sacred Oracles, and let us gaze, as we may, upon the Hierarchies of the Heavenly Minds manifested by them symbolically for our instruction. And when we have received, with immaterial and unflinching mental eyes, the gift of Light, primal and super-primal, of the supremely Divine Fullness, which manifests to us the most blessed Hierarchies of the Angels in types and symbols, let us then, from it, be elevated to its simple splendour.”

Another Novena to St. Raphael


     O Lord our God, we humbly ask thee to send unto our assistance St. Raphael the Archangel, to accompany us in our travels and pilgrimages on this earth, to heal our wounds and illnesses, and bind our relationships in love and mutuality.  May the one who ever standeth before the throne of majesty and grace, offer unto Thee our humble petitions to be blessed by Thee through Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

     Most Holy and Kind St. Raphael, Angelic physician and healer, drawest thou up from the deep rivers of our souls thy healing medicine to bind up our wounds and broken hearts and restore us to the bridal chamber of Divine Love.  Amen. 

O Raphael, Healer!

O Raphael, Guide!

O Raphael, Companion!

Be ever at my side!  Amen



Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord

God of Cosmic Might

Send forth your hosts of Angels

To keep us in your light.  Amen. 

O Raphael, Healer!

O Raphael, Guide!

O Raphael, Companion!

Be ever at my side!  Amen



Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord

God of Cosmic Might

Send forth your hosts of Angels

To keep us in your light.  Amen. 

If you do not have a seven decade rosary or Franciscan Crown, you can use a regular five decade rosary and simply back up two decades at the end, or if you would like a free seven decade rosary, ask Fr. Roberto to send you one.  Donations appreciated for postage.


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